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Who ve which ile ilgili örnekler verebilir misiniz?

Soruyu soran: Misafir | Tarih: 2007-05-06 | Okunma sayısı: 6549

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-Orhan, who you saw today, is my best friend
Orhan, ki sen bugün gördün, benim en iyi arkadaşım.

-Maths, which many people hate, is my favorite class.
Matematik, ki bir çok insan nefret eder, benim en sevdiğim derstir.

- The student who is the most successful in the classroom is Serhat

- The wolves which are known to be the wildest animals live in the mountains.

- The student who will meet you tomorrow wants to join your lesson.

- The book which I bougt yesterday is very interesting.

- The boy who passed the exam is happy

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